Strong, weak, and unowned self in Swift

Mastering Self in Swift: Strong, Weak, and Unowned

Strong, weak, and unowned self in Swift

In Swift, understanding how to reference self is crucial for writing clean, efficient, and memory-safe code. Swift provides three primary reference types when capturing self in closures: strong, weak, and unowned. In this blog, we will explore these reference types, discuss when and how to use them, when not to use them, and provide practical examples to help you master the art of handling self in Swift.

Strong Self

Strong references are the default reference type when capturing self in closures. When you capture self strongly, it increases the reference count, ensuring the referred instance remains in memory until there’s at least one strong reference to it.

When to Use Strong Self:

  • Use strong self when you want to ensure that the referred instance is retained in memory for as long as the closure is active.
  • Typically used when the closure needs to retain the object, such as in animation or long-running tasks.
class DataManager {
    var data: [String] = []

    func fetchData(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
        fetchDataFromServer { [self] newItems in
   of newItems)

In this example, capturing self strongly ensures that DataManager remains in memory while the closure processes the fetched data.

There are two ways of capturing strong self.

  1. Implicit Strong Capture: In this case, you capture self without any additional specifiers. This implicitly creates a strong reference to self.
class SomeClass {
    func performTask() { {
            // Implicit strong capture of self
    func doSomething() {
        // Your code here

2. Explicit Strong Capture: You can also explicitly capture self strongly by specifying [self] in the capture list.

class SomeClass {
    func performTask() { { [self] in
            // Explicit strong capture of self
    func doSomething() {
        // Your code here

Both methods will create a strong reference to self, and it’s important to be mindful of strong reference cycles when using strong captures.

When Not to Use Strong Self:

  • Avoid strong self when it leads to strong reference cycles, which can cause memory leaks. For example, when a closure captures self and the closure itself is stored within self.

Weak Self

Weak references are used to capture self without increasing the reference count. This prevents strong reference cycles and potential memory leaks, as the instance can be deallocated even if the closure still references it.

When to Use Weak Self:

  • Use weak self when there’s a potential risk of creating a strong reference cycle between the closure and the referred instance.
  • Commonly used in closures where self might be deallocated before the closure finishes.
class NetworkManager {
    func fetchData(completion: @escaping (Result) -> Void) {
        performNetworkRequest { [weak self] result in
            guard let self = self else {
                // Handle the case where self has been deallocated

Here, capturing self weakly prevents a strong reference cycle, allowing NetworkManager to be deallocated if needed.

When Not to Use Weak Self:

  • Avoid weak self when self must remain in memory during the closure’s execution to ensure its correctness. Using weak self in such cases could lead to crashes due to accessing deallocated memory.

Unowned Self

Unowned references capture self without increasing the reference count but assume that self will always be valid throughout the closure’s execution. Accessing an unowned reference after self has been deallocated leads to a runtime crash.

When to Use Unowned Self:

  • Use unowned self when you can guarantee that self will outlive the closure and won’t be deallocated.
  • Ideal for cases where the closure is a callback to a parent object.
class ViewController {
    var data: [String] = []

    func fetchData() {
        DataManager.shared.fetchData { [unowned self] newData in
   of newData)

In this example, unowned self is used because it’s guaranteed that the ViewController will exist throughout the data fetching process.

When Not to Use Unowned Self:

  • Avoid unowned self when there’s a chance that self might be deallocated before the closure finishes, as this would result in a crash.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for using strong, weak, and unowned references in Swift:

  • Prefer using weak or unowned references when capturing self in closures to prevent strong reference cycles.
  • Only use unowned when you are certain that self will outlive the closure. If there’s any doubt, choose weak.
  • Always use strong references when you need to keep an instance in memory for the duration of its usage.

Mastering the art of handling self in Swift is essential for writing memory-efficient and robust code. By following best practices and choosing the appropriate reference type, you can ensure your code performs smoothly, free from memory-related issues, and optimized for efficiency.

Master strong, weak, and unowned self references, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Swift coding expert.

Swift GCD: Advanced Concurrency Techniques

As a Swift developer, mastering Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is essential for building highly responsive and efficient iOS and macOS applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore GCD’s core concepts, delve into practical examples, and cover advanced techniques to take your concurrency management skills to the next level.

Understanding GCD

Grand Central Dispatch is Apple’s low-level API for managing concurrent tasks. It’s designed to make the most efficient use of multiple processor cores, ensuring that your app remains responsive and efficient. GCD abstracts many of the complexities of multithreading, making it easier to write concurrent code.

Core Concepts

1. Queues

GCD revolves around queues. A queue is a thread-safe data structure that holds tasks for execution. There are two main types of queues in GCD:

  • Serial Queues: Tasks are executed one at a time, in the order they are added. This ensures a predictable, sequential flow of operations.
  • Concurrent Queues: Tasks can be executed simultaneously, allowing for better utilization of multiple processor cores.

2. Tasks

A task is a block of code that you want to execute. Tasks can be added to queues for execution. They can be synchronous or asynchronous:

  • Synchronous Tasks: These block the current thread until they complete. They are ideal for tasks that must finish before moving on.
  • Asynchronous Tasks: These allow the current thread to continue executing while the task runs in the background, ensuring your app remains responsive.

3. Global Queues

GCD provides a set of global concurrent queues with different Quality of Service (QoS) classes. These classes include user-interactive, user-initiated, utility, and background. These queues are shared among all apps on the system.

Practical Examples

1. Dispatching Tasks

Let’s start with a basic example of dispatching tasks to a concurrent queue:

let concurrentQueue = .userInitiated)

concurrentQueue.async {
    // Your code here
    print("Task 1")

concurrentQueue.async {
    // Your code here
    print("Task 2")

2. Serial Execution

Now, let’s demonstrate serial execution using a serial queue:

let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.serialQueue")

serialQueue.async {
    // Your code here
    print("Task 1")

serialQueue.async {
    // Your code here
    print("Task 2")

3. Background Processing

GCD is perfect for offloading background tasks to keep your app responsive: .background).async {
    // Perform background tasks here
    print("Background task")

Advanced Techniques

1. Dispatch Groups

Dispatch Groups allow you to track the completion of multiple tasks. Here’s an example:

let group = DispatchGroup()

concurrentQueue.async {
    // Task 1

concurrentQueue.async {
    // Task 2

group.notify(queue: .main) {
    // This code runs when all tasks are completed
    print("All tasks are done")

3. Custom Serial Queues

You can create custom serial queues for more advanced control:

let customSerialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.customSerialQueue")

customSerialQueue.async {
    // Your code here
    print("Task 1")

customSerialQueue.async {
    // Your code here
    print("Task 2")

Thirsty For More?

Let’s explore more advanced examples of Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Swift:

4. Dispatch Work Item

A DispatchWorkItem allows you to encapsulate a block of work and execute it with GCD. It’s particularly useful when you need to control or cancel the execution of tasks. Here’s an example:

let workItem = DispatchWorkItem {
    // Your code here
    print("Work item is executed")

// Execute the work item on a queue
let queue = .userInitiated)
queue.async(execute: workItem)

// You can cancel the work item if needed

5. Delayed Execution

GCD can be used to delay the execution of a task. This is handy for scenarios like adding a delay before performing a UI update:

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3.0) {
    // This code executes after a 3-second delay
    print("Delayed task executed")

6. Dispatching Once

GCD can ensure that a block of code is executed only once, no matter how many times it’s dispatched. This is useful for lazy initialization or setup:

private var initialized = false
private let initOnce: Void = {
    // Initialization code here
    initialized = true

func initialize() {
    _ = initOnce
    if initialized {
        print("Initialization is done.")

// Call initialize() multiple times, but it initializes only once

7. Concurrent Iterations

GCD can be used for concurrent iterations over a collection, improving performance when processing large datasets:

let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
let concurrentQueue = .userInitiated)

DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: data.count) { index in
    let element = data[index]
    print("Processing element \(element)")

8. Dispatch Barriers

In concurrent queues, you can use dispatch barriers to ensure exclusive access to a resource. This is beneficial when you need to perform write operations that should not be interrupted by read operations:

let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.concurrentQueue", attributes: .concurrent)

concurrentQueue.async {
    // Read operation
    print("Reading data")

concurrentQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
    // Write operation
    print("Writing data")

concurrentQueue.async {
    // Another read operation
    print("Reading data again")

9. Custom Dispatch Groups

While Dispatch Groups are commonly used for tracking tasks, you can create custom dispatch groups to manage more complex scenarios:

let customGroup = DispatchGroup()

customQueue.async {
    // Task 1

customQueue.async {
    // Task 2

customGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
    // This code runs when all custom tasks are completed
    print("All custom tasks are done")

Benefits of GCD

  • Optimal Resource Utilization: GCD manages thread creation and management, ensuring efficient resource utilization.
  • Responsive Apps: GCD allows you to offload time-consuming tasks, keeping your app responsive.
  • Clean and Maintainable Code: GCD simplifies complex multithreading code, making it easier to read and maintain.


Grand Central Dispatch is a versatile tool for managing concurrency in Swift. With a solid understanding of its core concepts and practical examples, you can build applications that are highly responsive and efficient. From basic task execution to advanced techniques like Dispatch Groups and Semaphores, GCD empowers you to tackle complex concurrency challenges. Incorporate GCD into your next Swift project and unlock its potential for building high-performance apps.

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Swift Task Groups: Effortless Concurrency Mastery

Swift’s Task Groups offer a powerful way to handle multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently, making your code more efficient and responsive. In this blog, we’ll delve into Task Groups using simple language and provide detailed code examples with comments to guide you through the process. We’ll also explore when to use Task Groups, why you should use them, and the benefits they offer.

Introduction to Task Groups

Task Groups are a valuable tool to manage concurrent tasks. They enable you to execute multiple asynchronous operations simultaneously, wait for their completion, and aggregate their results, resulting in organized and efficient code.

When to Use Task Groups

You should consider using Task Groups when:

  • Parallel Tasks: You have tasks that can be executed concurrently, such as fetching data from multiple sources, making network requests, or processing data simultaneously.
  • Results Aggregation: You need to collect and process results from different tasks as a group, making it easier to manage the outcome.
  • Organized Code: You want to maintain code organization and ensure tasks are grouped logically, improving code readability.

Why Use Task Groups

Task Groups provide several compelling reasons to incorporate them into your code:

  • Efficiency: Task Groups allow you to take full advantage of your system’s resources by running tasks concurrently, resulting in improved performance.
  • Simplified Logic: They simplify your code by grouping related tasks together and providing a straightforward way to handle their results.
  • Error Handling: Task Groups facilitate error handling, making it easier to manage and respond to errors that may occur during concurrent task execution.

Example 1: Using Task Groups to Fetch Multiple URLs

In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to use Task Groups to fetch data from multiple URLs concurrently, with comments explaining each step.

// Define a Task Group to collect results.
Task.withGroup {
    // An array of URLs to fetch data from.
    let urls = [

    // Create an array to store the results.
    var results = [String]()

    // Iterate through the URLs and add tasks to the group.
    for url in urls {
        Task {
            do {
                // Fetch data from the URL asynchronously.
                let data = try await URL(string: url)!)
                // Convert data to a string.
                let result = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
                // Add the result to the array.
            } catch {
                print("Error fetching data: \(error)")

    // Wait for all tasks to complete.
    await Task.yield()

    // Process the results, e.g., print or use them as needed.
    print("Fetched data: \(results)")

Example 2: Grouping Tasks and Handling Results

In this example, we’ll explore a use case where tasks return results of different types. We’ll use Task Groups to handle this scenario and add comments for clarity.

// Define a Task Group to collect results of various types.
Task.withGroup {
    // Create an array to store the results.
    var results = [Any]()

    // Add tasks that return results of different types to the group.
    Task {
        let result = 42

    Task {
        let result = "Hello, World!"

    // Wait for all tasks to complete.
    await Task.yield()

    // Process the results based on their types.
    for result in results {
        if let number = result as? Int {
            print("Got an integer result: \(number)")
        } else if let text = result as? String {
            print("Got a string result: \(text)")

Advanced Usage of Task Groups

Cancelling Tasks

Task Groups also allow you to cancel tasks if needed. You can check the cancellation status within tasks and handle them gracefully.

    Task.withGroup { group in
        let task1 = Task {
            if group.isCancelled {
                print("Task 1 was cancelled.")
            // Your task logic here
        let task2 = Task {
            if group.isCancelled {
                print("Task 2 was cancelled.")
            // Your task logic here
        // Simulate a cancellation
        Task {
            await Task.sleep(2_000_000_000) // Sleep for 2 seconds

    Nested Task Groups

    You can nest Task Groups to manage more complex scenarios, where tasks depend on the results of other tasks within the group.

    Task.withGroup { outerGroup in
        let outerTask = Task {
            await Task.sleep(2_000_000_000) // Simulate a time-consuming task
            print("Outer task completed")
        Task.withGroup { innerGroup in
            let innerTask1 = Task {
                await Task.sleep(1_000_000_000) // Simulate a task that depends on the outer task
                print("Inner task 1 completed")
            let innerTask2 = Task {
                await Task.sleep(1_000_000_000) // Simulate another task that depends on the outer task
                print("Inner task 2 completed")
            await Task.whenAll([innerTask1, innerTask2])
        await outerTask

    Task Prioritization

    Task Groups allow you to set task priorities, ensuring critical tasks are executed before others.

    Task.withGroup { group in
        let highPriorityTask = Task(priority: .high) {
            print("High-priority task")
        let lowPriorityTask = Task(priority: .low) {
            print("Low-priority task")

    These examples demonstrate how to utilize Task Groups for more advanced use cases, including task cancellation, nested groups, and task prioritization. These features provide you with the flexibility to handle complex concurrency scenarios in your Swift code.

    Error Handling with Task Groups

    Task Groups provide a structured way to handle errors that may occur during concurrent task execution. You can gracefully manage errors and continue execution.

    Task.withGroup { group in
        let task1 = Task {
            do {
                // Simulate a task that throws an error
                let result = try performTaskWithError()
                print("Task 1 completed with result: \(result)")
            } catch {
                // Handle the error within the task
                print("Task 1 encountered an error: \(error)")
        let task2 = Task {
            do {
                // Another task that may throw an error
                let result = try performAnotherTaskWithError()
                print("Task 2 completed with result: \(result)")
            } catch {
                // Handle the error within the task
                print("Task 2 encountered an error: \(error)")
        // Wait for all tasks to complete or handle errors
        let results = await Task.collect {
            for await _ in 0..<2 {
                do {
                    let result = try await
                    if case .failure(let error) = result {
                        // Handle the error at the collection level
                        print("Error in one of the tasks: \(error)")
                } catch {
                    // Handle errors that occur during task collection
                    print("Error during task collection: \(error)")
        // Process the collected results
        for result in results {
            switch result {
            case .success(let value):
                // Process successful results
                print("Collected result: \(value)")
            case .failure(let error):
                // Handle any errors that occurred
                print("Error in collected results: \(error)")

    In this example, we have two tasks (task1 and task2) that may throw errors. We use structured error handling within each task to catch and handle errors. We then collect the results using Task.collect and handle errors that may occur during task execution or result collection. Finally, we process both successful results and errors in the collected results.

    This demonstrates how Task Groups help you manage and handle errors in a more structured and organized manner when dealing with concurrent tasks.

    Benefits of Task Groups

    Task Groups offer a range of benefits, including:

    • Enhanced Efficiency: Task Groups allow you to make the most of your system’s resources, resulting in improved performance.
    • Code Organization: They help you maintain a well-organized codebase, making it easier to manage concurrent tasks.

    Understanding Actors in Swift Concurrency

    When you’re developing apps in Swift, concurrency is crucial. It can become complex, but Swift 5.5 has introduced a feature called “actors” to simplify the process. In this blog, we’ll explore what actors are, why you should use them, when to use them, and their benefits. Plus, we’ll provide code examples with comments to make it crystal clear, including an explanation of what a Task is.

    What Are Actors?

    Actors in Swift are like guardians of data. They ensure that data remains safe from simultaneous access by multiple threads. This safeguard prevents data corruption and makes your code more reliable.

    Why Use Actors?

    Imagine you have a bank account and two different tasks trying to deposit and withdraw money at the same time. Without protection, this could lead to a mess. Actors are your solution. They make sure only one task can access their data at any given moment. In this way, they protect the data’s integrity.

    When to Use Actors?

    You should use actors when:

    1. Data Needs Protection: If you have data that should not be accessed by multiple tasks at the same time, consider using actors. This could be anything from financial data to user settings.
    2. Simplicity Matters: Actors simplify concurrent code. You won’t need to deal with complex locks and synchronization. The code is easier to read and maintain.
    3. Predictable State: Actors guarantee that data inside them is always in a consistent state. You can rely on this predictability in your code.

    What is a Task?

    In the code examples, you’ll notice the use of Task. A Task in Swift is a way to work with asynchronous code. It tells the system that the code inside it can be paused and resumed, allowing other tasks to run in the meantime. This is essential for handling concurrency effectively.

    Creating an Actor

    Let’s create an actor for a bank account:

    actor BankAccount {
        var balance = 0
        // Deposit money into the account.
        func deposit(amount: Int) {
            balance += amount
        // Withdraw money from the account.
        func withdraw(amount: Int) {
            balance -= amount

    In this code, the actor BankAccount holds the balance property and two methods to deposit and withdraw money.

    Using an Actor

    Now, let’s use the BankAccount actor in your code. Actors guarantee that only one task can access their data at a time, ensuring thread safety.

    let myAccount = BankAccount()
    Task {
        await myAccount.deposit(amount: 100) // Deposit $100
    Task {
        await myAccount.withdraw(amount: 50) // Withdraw $50

    In this example, the Task keyword signifies asynchronous code. It allows the code inside it to be paused and resumed, enabling other tasks to run in the meantime.

    Benefits of Actors

    Here are the key benefits of using actors:

    1. Thread Safety: Actors protect data from being accessed by multiple tasks simultaneously, ensuring thread safety.
    2. Simplicity: Your code becomes easier to read and maintain. You don’t need to handle complex locks and synchronization.
    3. Predictable State: Data inside an actor is always in a consistent state, offering reliability.
    4. Concurrent, Not Parallel: Actors make your code concurrent, handling multiple tasks, but not necessarily in parallel, which helps prevent race conditions.


    Swift actors are a game-changer in the world of concurrent programming. They simplify the process, ensuring data integrity and predictability. By using actors, you can create responsive and dependable apps, especially when dealing with sensitive data.

    Swift Concurrency: Mastering the Key Components

    Swift concurrency is a powerful feature in app development, and it’s time to explore it in detail. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover why we need concurrency, what it consists of, how it works with code examples, why it’s important, and the best practices to follow. Let’s delve into the world of responsive app development.

    Why Do We Need Concurrency?

    Concurrency is like having multiple workers in a factory. It allows your app to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, making it responsive and efficient. Here’s why it’s essential:

    1. Responsiveness: Without concurrency, your app could freeze while waiting for a task to complete, making it unresponsive to user interactions.
    2. Efficiency: Concurrency optimizes resource usage. It ensures that your device’s resources are used to their full potential, resulting in better performance.
    3. Enhanced User Experience: A responsive app leads to a better user experience, which, in turn, keeps users engaged and satisfied.
    4. Multitasking: Concurrency allows your app to juggle multiple tasks at once, such as updating the user interface while downloading data.

    What Does Swift Concurrency Consist Of?

    Swift concurrency introduces some key elements:

    1. async and await: These are the dynamic duo of concurrency. Functions marked as async can run concurrently, while await is used to wait for a task to complete. Together, they make asynchronous code more readable and efficient. More details here.
    2. Actors: Actors are like bodyguards for data. They protect shared data from being accessed by multiple tasks at the same time. This ensures data integrity and prevents conflicts.
    3. Task Groups: Task groups make it easy to run multiple tasks concurrently and collect their results. It’s like managing a team of workers in the factory efficiently.

    Code Example: Fetching Data Asynchronously

    Let’s dive into a code example to fetch data asynchronously:

    async func fetchData() {
        // Creating a URL to fetch data from.
        let url = URL(string: "")!
        do {
            // Using the `await` keyword to fetch data asynchronously and store it in `data`.
            let data = try await url)
            // Decoding the data into a custom structure or object (MyData).
            let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(MyData.self, from: data)
            // Printing the result to the console.
        } catch {
            // Handling any errors that might occur during the process.
            print("Error: \(error)")

    Why Is Concurrency Important?

    Concurrency is crucial for modern app development because it:

    1. Keeps your app responsive, preventing it from becoming unresponsive during tasks.
    2. Optimizes resource usage, ensuring that your app runs efficiently.
    3. Provides a better user experience, making users happier.
    4. Allows your app to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

    Best Practices for Swift Concurrency

    Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with Swift concurrency:

    1. Use async and await where needed to keep your code responsive.
    2. Protect shared data with actors to ensure data integrity.
    3. Use task groups for managing multiple concurrent tasks efficiently.
    4. Always think about when and where to use concurrency for the best performance.

    In Summary

    Swift concurrency is a game-changer in app development, making your apps responsive and efficient. With async, await, actors, and task groups, you can create user-friendly and high-performing applications. Following best practices ensures you make the most out of this powerful feature.

    So, embrace Swift concurrency, and let your app development journey be filled with responsive, user-friendly apps!

    Easy Guide to swift async and await

    In the world of Swift programming, asynchronous operations are essential for building responsive and efficient apps. At the heart of this asynchronous magic are the async and await keywords. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore async and await using straightforward language and provide code examples with comments to explain each step.

    What’s async and Why Do We Need It?

    Imagine async as a superhero for your functions. When a function is marked as async, it can work in the background without making your app freeze. But why is this important?

    Enhanced Responsiveness: Without async, your app might freeze while performing tasks, leading to an unresponsive user experience.

    Optimized Resource Usage: async ensures your app uses resources wisely, allowing multiple tasks to run simultaneously.

    Happy Users: A responsive app results in happier users who can interact seamlessly.

    Example 1: A Simple async Function

    Let’s begin with a straightforward example. This function fetches data from the internet without causing your app to become unresponsive.

    // Step 1: Define an `async` function for data fetching.
    async func fetchData() {
        // Step 2: Create a URL to fetch data from.
        let url = URL(string: "")!
        do {
            // Step 3: Use `await` to fetch data asynchronously.
            let data = try await url)
            // Step 4: Decode the data into a custom structure or object.
            let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(MyData.self, from: data)
            // Step 5: Print the result to the console.
        } catch {
            // Step 6: Handle any errors gracefully.
            print("Error: \(error)")

    Understanding await and Its Significance

    Think of await as a traffic cop, ensuring tasks proceed in an orderly and coordinated manner. Here’s what it does:

    Coordinated Execution: await ensures that tasks complete in an organized fashion.

    Example 2: Using await to Wait for a Task

    This example illustrates how await ensures that each task finishes before the next one starts, making your code structured and organized.

    // Step 1: Define an `async` function to perform tasks consecutively.
    async func doTasksConsecutively() {
        // Step 2: Use `await` to wait for the first task to complete.
        await doTask1()
        // Step 3: Continue only when the first task is done.
        await doTask2()
        // Step 4: Move on to the next task, and so on.
        await doTask3()

    Example 3: Parallel Execution with await

    await can also be used for running multiple tasks in parallel, making your code more efficient. Each task executes concurrently.

    // Step 1: Define an `async` function to perform tasks in parallel.
    async func doTasksInParallel() {
        await Task.withGroup {
            // Step 2: Use `await` to run tasks concurrently.
            await doTask1()
            await doTask2()
            await doTask3()

    In Summary

    • async empowers your functions to work in the background.
    • await ensures tasks are executed in an orderly fashion.

    By understanding and mastering async and await, you can create responsive and efficient apps that keep your users happy.

    So, go ahead, embrace the power of async and await, and let your app development journey become even more magical!