Swift Task Groups: Effortless Concurrency Mastery

Swift’s Task Groups offer a powerful way to handle multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently, making your code more efficient and responsive. In this blog, we’ll delve into Task Groups using simple language and provide detailed code examples with comments to guide you through the process. We’ll also explore when to use Task Groups, why you should use them, and the benefits they offer.

Introduction to Task Groups

Task Groups are a valuable tool to manage concurrent tasks. They enable you to execute multiple asynchronous operations simultaneously, wait for their completion, and aggregate their results, resulting in organized and efficient code.

When to Use Task Groups

You should consider using Task Groups when:

  • Parallel Tasks: You have tasks that can be executed concurrently, such as fetching data from multiple sources, making network requests, or processing data simultaneously.
  • Results Aggregation: You need to collect and process results from different tasks as a group, making it easier to manage the outcome.
  • Organized Code: You want to maintain code organization and ensure tasks are grouped logically, improving code readability.

Why Use Task Groups

Task Groups provide several compelling reasons to incorporate them into your code:

  • Efficiency: Task Groups allow you to take full advantage of your system’s resources by running tasks concurrently, resulting in improved performance.
  • Simplified Logic: They simplify your code by grouping related tasks together and providing a straightforward way to handle their results.
  • Error Handling: Task Groups facilitate error handling, making it easier to manage and respond to errors that may occur during concurrent task execution.

Example 1: Using Task Groups to Fetch Multiple URLs

In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to use Task Groups to fetch data from multiple URLs concurrently, with comments explaining each step.

// Define a Task Group to collect results.
Task.withGroup {
    // An array of URLs to fetch data from.
    let urls = [

    // Create an array to store the results.
    var results = [String]()

    // Iterate through the URLs and add tasks to the group.
    for url in urls {
        Task {
            do {
                // Fetch data from the URL asynchronously.
                let data = try await URLSession.shared.data(from: URL(string: url)!)
                // Convert data to a string.
                let result = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
                // Add the result to the array.
            } catch {
                print("Error fetching data: \(error)")

    // Wait for all tasks to complete.
    await Task.yield()

    // Process the results, e.g., print or use them as needed.
    print("Fetched data: \(results)")

Example 2: Grouping Tasks and Handling Results

In this example, we’ll explore a use case where tasks return results of different types. We’ll use Task Groups to handle this scenario and add comments for clarity.

// Define a Task Group to collect results of various types.
Task.withGroup {
    // Create an array to store the results.
    var results = [Any]()

    // Add tasks that return results of different types to the group.
    Task {
        let result = 42

    Task {
        let result = "Hello, World!"

    // Wait for all tasks to complete.
    await Task.yield()

    // Process the results based on their types.
    for result in results {
        if let number = result as? Int {
            print("Got an integer result: \(number)")
        } else if let text = result as? String {
            print("Got a string result: \(text)")

Advanced Usage of Task Groups

Cancelling Tasks

Task Groups also allow you to cancel tasks if needed. You can check the cancellation status within tasks and handle them gracefully.

    Task.withGroup { group in
        let task1 = Task {
            if group.isCancelled {
                print("Task 1 was cancelled.")
            // Your task logic here
        let task2 = Task {
            if group.isCancelled {
                print("Task 2 was cancelled.")
            // Your task logic here
        // Simulate a cancellation
        Task {
            await Task.sleep(2_000_000_000) // Sleep for 2 seconds

    Nested Task Groups

    You can nest Task Groups to manage more complex scenarios, where tasks depend on the results of other tasks within the group.

    Task.withGroup { outerGroup in
        let outerTask = Task {
            await Task.sleep(2_000_000_000) // Simulate a time-consuming task
            print("Outer task completed")
        Task.withGroup { innerGroup in
            let innerTask1 = Task {
                await Task.sleep(1_000_000_000) // Simulate a task that depends on the outer task
                print("Inner task 1 completed")
            let innerTask2 = Task {
                await Task.sleep(1_000_000_000) // Simulate another task that depends on the outer task
                print("Inner task 2 completed")
            await Task.whenAll([innerTask1, innerTask2])
        await outerTask

    Task Prioritization

    Task Groups allow you to set task priorities, ensuring critical tasks are executed before others.

    Task.withGroup { group in
        let highPriorityTask = Task(priority: .high) {
            print("High-priority task")
        let lowPriorityTask = Task(priority: .low) {
            print("Low-priority task")

    These examples demonstrate how to utilize Task Groups for more advanced use cases, including task cancellation, nested groups, and task prioritization. These features provide you with the flexibility to handle complex concurrency scenarios in your Swift code.

    Error Handling with Task Groups

    Task Groups provide a structured way to handle errors that may occur during concurrent task execution. You can gracefully manage errors and continue execution.

    Task.withGroup { group in
        let task1 = Task {
            do {
                // Simulate a task that throws an error
                let result = try performTaskWithError()
                print("Task 1 completed with result: \(result)")
            } catch {
                // Handle the error within the task
                print("Task 1 encountered an error: \(error)")
        let task2 = Task {
            do {
                // Another task that may throw an error
                let result = try performAnotherTaskWithError()
                print("Task 2 completed with result: \(result)")
            } catch {
                // Handle the error within the task
                print("Task 2 encountered an error: \(error)")
        // Wait for all tasks to complete or handle errors
        let results = await Task.collect {
            for await _ in 0..<2 {
                do {
                    let result = try await group.next()
                    if case .failure(let error) = result {
                        // Handle the error at the collection level
                        print("Error in one of the tasks: \(error)")
                } catch {
                    // Handle errors that occur during task collection
                    print("Error during task collection: \(error)")
        // Process the collected results
        for result in results {
            switch result {
            case .success(let value):
                // Process successful results
                print("Collected result: \(value)")
            case .failure(let error):
                // Handle any errors that occurred
                print("Error in collected results: \(error)")

    In this example, we have two tasks (task1 and task2) that may throw errors. We use structured error handling within each task to catch and handle errors. We then collect the results using Task.collect and handle errors that may occur during task execution or result collection. Finally, we process both successful results and errors in the collected results.

    This demonstrates how Task Groups help you manage and handle errors in a more structured and organized manner when dealing with concurrent tasks.

    Benefits of Task Groups

    Task Groups offer a range of benefits, including:

    • Enhanced Efficiency: Task Groups allow you to make the most of your system’s resources, resulting in improved performance.
    • Code Organization: They help you maintain a well-organized codebase, making it easier to manage concurrent tasks.
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